Dylan Nelson: I've learned a few things

> High school graduate with 10 AP courses

> Double Major at UC San Diego, Data Science and Cognitive Science

> 7 years of experience (4 years of school + 3 years working)

Education History:

favicon UCSD

Double Major in Data Science and Cognitive Science (Specialized in Machine Learning) 2018-2022

Data Science

Lower Div Data Science Upper Div Data Science


Math Requirements (Overlap for both Majors) Upper Div Math

Cognitive Science

Published Paper: Measuring Behavior 2020-21 Page 33

Lower Div COGS Upper Div COGS


Core Electives General Electives/Other
Ordered within each sublist by order taken

* Passed requirements for Math 20A and 20B through high school AP Calc
** Received credit for COGS 8 and 14A without formally taking them due to taking identical classes in the other major