Double Major in Data Science and Cognitive Science (Specialization in Machine Learning) 2018-2022

Data Science

Lower Div Data Science
  • COGS 9: Introduction to Data Science
  • DSC 10: Data Science Principles
  • DSC 20: Programming & Basic Data Structures
  • DSC 30: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • DSC 40A: Theoretical Foundations of Data Science
  • DSC 40B: Theoretical Foundations of Data Science II
  • DSC 80: Practice and Application of Data Science
Upper Div Data Science
  • COGS 108: Data Science in Practice
  • COGS 109: Modeling and Data Analysis
  • DSC 106: Introduction to Data Visualization
  • DSC 100: Intro to Data Management
  • CSE 151A: Intro to Machine Learning
  • DSC 102: Systems for Scalable Analytics
  • DSC 140A: Probabilistic Modeling and ML
  • CSE 158: Recommender Sys&Web Mining
  • DSC 190: Intro Robotics Percept. & Nav.
  • DSC 180A Data Science Project I
  • DSC 180B Data Science Project II
  • DSC 140A Probabilistic Modeling and ML
  • DSC 291: Topological Data Analysis


Math Requirements (Overlap for both Majors)
  • Math 20A: Calculus I*
  • Math 20B: Calculus II*
  • Math 20C: Multivariable Calculus & Analytic Geometry
  • Math 20E: Vector Calculus
  • Math 18: Linear Algebra
Upper Div Math
  • Math 180A: Probability
  • Math 181A: Mathematical Statistics I
  • Math 189: Exploratory Data Analysis and Inference

Cognitive Science

Published Paper: Measuring Behavior 2020-21 Page 33

Lower Div COGS
  • COGS 13: Field Methods: Cognition in the Wild
  • COGS 14A: Intro to Research Methods
  • COGS 1: Intro to Cog Sci
  • COGS 17: Neurobiology of Cognition
  • COGS 10: Cognitive Consequences of Technology
  • COGS 8: Hands-on Computing**
  • COGS 14B: Intro to Statistical Analysis**
Upper Div COGS
  • COGS 101B: Learning, Memory, and Attention
  • COGS 100: Cyborgs Now and in the Future
  • COGS 127: Data-Driven UX/Product Design
  • COGS 187A: Usability and Information Architecture
  • COGS 187B: Practicum in Pro Web Design
  • COGS 107A. Neuroanatomy and Physiology
  • COGS 107B. Systems Neuroscience
  • COGS 101C: Language
  • COGS 154: Comm. Disorders/Children&Adults
  • COGS 118B: Intro to Machine Learning II
  • COGS 189 Brain Computer Interfaces
  • COGS 118A Supvr/Mach Learning Algorithms
  • COGS 142 Animal Communication


Core Electives
  • CHEM 6A: General Chemistry I
  • DSC 96: Workshop in Data Science
  • BILD 3: Organismic & Evolutionary Bio
  • BILD 1: The Cell
  • SIO 109R: Bending/Curve: Climate Change
  • SIO 139: Current Research in Marine Bio
General Electives/Other
  • Math 87: Teaching Math: The Challenge
  • LATI 50: Introduction to Latin America
  • DOC 1: Diversity
  • DOC 2: Justice
  • DOC 3: Imagination
  • HILD 12: Twentieth-Century East Asia
  • TDGE 10: Theatre and Film
  • PHIL 164: Technology and Human Values

Ordered within each sublist by order taken

* Passed requirements for Math 20A and 20B through high school AP Calc
** Recieved credit for COGS 8 and 14A without formally taking them due to taking identical classes in the other major